Coding standards
Developer Certificate of Origin
Before pushing code or content to the project’s repo, you have to check that you
own the appropriate rights to publish it under the project’s licenses, and approve
the terms of the Developer Certificate of Origin version 1.1.
To do so, you have to sign-off your commits by adding the --signoff
option to
your git commit
REUSE standard
We try to follow the REUSE standard. So if you add a new file, please add also the appropriate headers following the template:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Hermine-team <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
Code linting
We use Black for harmonising code formatting, Ruff for linting and DjHTML for indenting Django Templates.
Naming conventions
We try to stay consistent in naming Django models, views,
route names and so on. Here are some example for
a hypothetical ObjectName
model and its associated views:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path("objectnames/", views.ObjectNameListView.as_view(), name="objectname_list"),
path("objectnames/new/", views.ObjectNameCreateView.as_view(), name="objectname_create"),
path("objectnames/<int:pk>/", views.ObjectNameDetailView.as_view(), name="objectname_detail"),
path("objectnames/<int:pk>/edit/", views.ObjectNameUpdateView.as_view(), name="objectname_update"),
path("objectnames/<int:pk>/delete/", views.ObjectNameDeleteView.as_view(), name="objectname_delete"),
# ...
class ObjectNameDetailView(DetailView):
model = ObjectName
template_name = "objectname_detail.html"
class ObjectNameListView(ListView):
model = ObjectName
template_name = "objectname_list.html"
class ObjectNameCreateView(CreateView):
model = ObjectName
template_name = "objectname_create.html" # or default "objectname_form.html"
class ObjectNameUpdateView(UpdateView):
model = ObjectName
template_name = "objectname_update.html" # or default "objectname_form.html"
class ObjectNameDeleteView(DetailView):
model = ObjectName
template_name = "objectname_confirm_delete.html" # this is django default
Commit messages
It would be nice to try to follow the Conventional Commits standards