# Welcome to Hermine's documentation :::{warning} As the application itself, this documentation is very much a work in progress. ::: The documentation is created with [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/), and written (mostly) in [Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax), thanks to [MyST](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sphinx/index.html). The [MyST documentation](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html) will guide you through the sphinx-specific directives in Markdown. Some options like [code fences using colors](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/optional.html#code-fences-using-colons) and [field lists](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/optional.html#field-lists) have been activated. You will find the source of this documentation in the `docs/source` folder of the [repo](https://gitlab.com/hermine-project/hermine/-/tree/main/docs). To build it locally, install the dev dependencies of the project and use the command: ```bash sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build/html python -m http.server --directory docs/build/html ``` This documentation is published under the CC-BY-4.0 license. ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 2 caption: Contents --- use_hermine dev_hermine ``` ## Indices and tables * {ref}`genindex` * {ref}`modindex`